home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* $VER: TASC.thor 1.6 (26.06.97)
- *
- *
- * Concept & Original Scripts by: Kirk Strauser <kstrauser@gxl.com>
- * and Adrian Knight <ajk@dial.pipex.com>
- *
- * Rewritten by: Andy Macklin <andy@toadhall.u-net.com>
- */
- /* Read the config file & set up defalts if it isn't there */
- if open(cfg,'Env:thor/TASC.cfg',r) then do
- do until eof(cfg)
- lin=readln(cfg)
- parse var lin id ':' V
- V=strip(V)
- if upper(left(id,6))='DELMSG' then
- delmsg=V
- if upper(left(id,3))='URG' then
- urg=V
- if upper(left(id,6))='MAILHD' then
- mailhd=V
- if upper(left(id,6))='NEWSHD' then
- newshd=V
- if upper(left(id,6))='GLOBPM' then
- GlobPM=V
- if upper(left(id,10))='POSTMASTER' then
- Postmaster=V
- if upper(left(id,8))='DATABASE' then
- spamdb=V
- end
- call close(cfg)
- end
- else do
- delmsg='N'
- urg='N'
- mailhd='Email spam'
- newshd='Usenet spam/mail fraud'
- globPM='N'
- Postmaster=''
- spamdb='rexx/spam.db'
- end
- /*=======================================================*/
- /* You're not supposed to change anything from here down */
- /*=======================================================*/
- if CLIARG~='AUTO' & CLIARG~='' then do
- say 'Template: Spam-O-Matic.thor AUTO/S'
- say 'Run this script from within Thor'
- exit
- end
- options results
- options failat 31
- CDB_MAIL = 1 /* Private mail conference. */
- thorport = address()
- if left(thorport, 5) ~= 'THOR.' then do
- say 'Cannot find thorport.'
- exit
- end
- if ~show('p', 'BBSREAD') then do
- address command
- "run >nil: `GetEnv THOR/THORPath`bin/LoadBBSRead"
- "WaitForPort BBSREAD"
- end
- if open(A,'env:thor/thorpath') then do
- call close(A)
- end
- address(thorport)
- if (rc ~= 0) then call oops("No current message.")
- if(rc ~= 0) then call oops("Can't save current message.")
- IF Open(A,'T:tasc.tempfile','r') = 0 THEN
- call oops("Couldn't open temporary file.")
- i='1'
- flame.=''
- toaddr.=''
- do until hder=''
- hder= readln(A)
- if upper(left(hder,8)) = 'RECEIVED' then do
- Call Recd
- end
- if upper(left(hder,7)) = 'MESSAGE' then do
- Call Mess
- end
- if upper(left(hder,6)) = 'RETURN' then do
- Call Rtn
- end
- if upper(left(hder,5)) = 'REPLY' then do
- Call Rply
- end
- if upper(left(hder,5)) = 'FROM:' then do
- Call Frm
- end
- if upper(left(hder,5)) = 'PATH:' then do
- Call Pth
- end
- if upper(left(hder,4)) = 'NNTP' then do
- Call nntp
- end
- end
- call close(A)
- /* Set the values for the Mailserver */
- Call Radd
- /* Parse out the next level of the internet heirachy to complain to */
- Call Boss
- /* remove unneeded addresses (if appropriate)*/
- if CLIARG~='AUTO' then do
- Call Update
- end
- /* Check for known bad ISPs, undeliverable addresses or specific addresses for abuse. */
- Call Undeliverable
- address BBSREAD
- READBRMESSAGE bbsname '"'MSG.BBSNAME'"' confname '"'MSG.CONFNAME'"' msgnr MSG.MSGNR headstem HEADTAGS textstem TEXTTAGS
- if (rc ~= 0) then call oops
- getconfdata bbsname '"'MSG.BBSNAME'"' confname '"'MSG.CONFNAME'"' stem CONFDATA
- if (rc ~= 0) then call oops
- UNIQUEMSGFILE bbsname '"'MSG.BBSNAME'"' stem tmp
- if (rc ~= 0) then call oops
- /* Build the outgoing message */
- if Postmaster~='' then do
- address command
- 'echo "From: postmaster@'||Postmaster||'" > t:tasc.tempH'
- 'Echo "" >> t:tasc.tempH'
- end
- if ~bittst(CONFDATA.FLAGS,CDB_MAIL) then do
- address command 'Type "'||THORP||'rexx/SpamNewsHeader" >> T:tasc.tempH'
- end
- else do
- address command 'Type "'||THORP||'rexx/SpamMailHeader" >> T:tasc.tempH'
- end
- address command 'Join t:tasc.tempH t:tasc.tempfile as 'tmp.NAME
- if (rc ~= 0) then call oops("Unable to build message file.")
- /* Choose the addresses from the header & the hotlist to send the complaint to */
- if CLIARG~='AUTO' then do
- Call Chooser
- end
- else do
- Call AutoR
- end
- /* Use the appropriate mailer to send it */
- call WriteThorMessage
- if (rc ~= 0) then call oops
- if delmsg='Y' then do
- address(bbsread)
- end
- call tidy
- Recd:
- parse VAR hder gubbins 'from ' addss ' by' remains
- /* addss should contain the details that we want */
- if index(addss,'[')~=0 then do
- parse VAR addss '[' netnum ']' remains
- /* extract the IP number, in case that's all there is*/
- end
- if index(addss,'(')~=0 then do
- /* Search for brackets containing the details we need */
- parse VAR addss rnme '(' netnum ')' remains
- if index(rnme,'.')=0 then do /* pretty unlikely to be a mailable address */
- if index(netnum,'[')~=0 then do
- parse VAR netnum rnme '[' remains
- end
- end
- if index(netnum,'[')~=0 then do
- /* Parse netnum, one way or the other */
- parse VAR netnum '[' netnum ']' remains
- end
- if index(netnum,'(')~=0 then do
- parse VAR netnum '(' netnum ')' remains
- end
- end
- if index(netnum,'[')~=0 then do
- parse VAR netnum '[' netnum ']'
- end
- netnum = '['||strip(netnum)||']'
- return
- Mess:
- /* Message ID may contain a valid _Real_ domain to complain to */
- parse VAR hder gubbins '@' mnme '>'
- flame.i='Msg-ID:'||strip(mnme)
- i=i+1
- return
- Rtn:
- /* Return Path might contain a valid _Real_ domain to complain to */
- parse VAR hder gubbins '@' rtnme '>'
- flame.i='Return Path:'||strip(rtnme)
- i=i+1
- return
- Rply:
- /* Reply-to: might contain a valid _Real_ domain to complain to */
- parse VAR hder gubbins '@' rpnme ' ' remains
- flame.i='Reply-To:'||strip(rpnme)
- i=i+1
- return
- Frm:
- /* From: might contain a valid _Real_ domain to complain to. I wish :( */
- parse VAR hder gubbins '@' fnme '>'
- flame.i='From:'||strip(fnme)
- i=i+1
- return
- Pth:
- /* Search the path: header for possible addresses (news spam only) */
- P1=lastpos('!',hder)
- P2=lastpos('!',hder,P1-1)
- P1=substr(hder,P2+1)
- parse VAR P1 parth '!' gubbins
- flame.i='Path:'||strip(parth)
- i=i+1
- return
- nntp:
- /* Just in case there is an nntp-posting-host header in the news spam */
- parse VAR hder gubbins ': ' nntpnme
- flame.i='NNTP-Host:'||strip(nntpnme)
- i=i+1
- return
- Radd:
- if rnme~='RNME' then do
- flame.i='Mailserver:'||strip(rnme)
- i=i+1
- end
- if netnum~='NETNUM' then do
- flame.i='Mailserver:'||netnum
- i=i+1
- end
- return
- AutoR:
- j=1
- toaddr.count=0
- do m=1 to (i-1)
- parse VAR flame.m hder ':' tnme
- if bittst(confdata.flags,CDB_Mail) then do
- /* A Mail message */
- if hder='Msg-ID' then do
- call autoadd
- end
- if hder='Mailserver' then do
- call autoadd
- end
- end
- else do
- if hder='NNTP-Host' then do
- call autoadd
- end
- if hder='Path' then do
- call autoadd
- end
- end
- end
- if toaddr.count=0 then do
- address (thorport)
- requestnotify text '"No addresses suitable for autoreply option"' BT '"_OK"'
- call tidy
- end
- else do
- drop flame.
- flame.count=toaddr.count
- do i=1 to toaddr.count
- flame.i=toaddr.i
- end
- end
- return
- autoadd:
- toaddr.j='auto:'||tnme
- j=j+1
- toaddr.count=toaddr.count+1
- return
- Boss:
- /* Add the option to complain further up the internet hierachy */
- k=i-1
- do j=1 to k
- parse VAR flame.j gubbins ':' lwr '.' hghr
- if left(lwr,1)~='[' then do /*Not an IP number */
- if index(hghr,'.')~=0 then do
- flame.i='Parent of '||gubbins||':'||hghr
- i=i+1
- end
- end
- end
- return
- Update:
- m=1
- toaddr.count=0
- do j=1 to (i-1)
- parse VAR flame.j gubbins ':' jtmp
- uniq=1
- do k=(j+1) to i
- parse VAR flame.k gubbins ':' ktmp
- if jtmp = ktmp then do
- uniq=0
- end
- if jtmp = '' then do
- uniq=0
- end
- end
- if uniq=1 then do
- toaddr.m=flame.j
- toaddr.count=toaddr.count+1
- m=m+1
- end
- end
- return
- Undeliverable:
- if open(db,THORP||spamdb,r) then do
- a=0
- wrong.=''
- correct.=''
- do until eof(db)
- lin=readln(db)
- a=a+1
- parse VAR lin wrong.a '->' correct.a
- end
- wrong.count=a
- do m=1 to toaddr.count
- parse VAR toaddr.m nme ':' oldaddr
- do a=1 to wrong.count
- if upper(oldaddr)=upper(wrong.a) then do
- if upper(correct.a)~='UNDELIVERABLE' then do
- if index(correct.a,'@')~=0 then do
- toaddr.m='+'||nme||'(Redirected):'||correct.a
- end
- else do
- toaddr.m=nme||'(Redirected):'||correct.a
- end
- end
- else do
- toaddr.m='-'||nme||':('||oldaddr||')'||correct.a
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- call close(db)
- return
- WriteThorMessage:
- address BBSREAD
- drop EVENT.
- Do j=1 to flame.count
- if globPM~='Y' then do
- parse VAR flame.j tnme ':' tadd
- EVENT.TONAME = EVENT.TONAME || strip(tnme,B,'+') || ','
- end
- else do
- EVENT.TONAME = EVENT.TONAME || 'Postmaster,'
- end
- end
- Do j=1 to flame.count
- parse VAR flame.j tnme ':' tadd
- if left(tnme,1)='+' then
- else do
- if left(tnme,1)='-' then
- else
- EVENT.TOADDR = EVENT.TOADDR || 'postmaster@'|| tadd ||','
- end
- end
- if ~bittst(CONFDATA.FLAGS,CDB_MAIL) then do
- EVENT.SUBJECT = newshd
- end
- else do
- EVENT.SUBJECT = mailhd
- end
- if urg='Y' then do
- end
- else do
- end
- return
- Chooser:
- /* Here's where the additional recipients like the IRS get added to the options */
- DROP flame.
- if open(A,THORP||'rexx/spamaddr','r') then do
- DO WHILE ~Eof(A)
- spama=readln(A)
- if left(spama,1)='+' then do
- i=toaddr.count+1
- toaddr.i=spama
- toaddr.count=toaddr.count+1
- end
- end
- address(Thorport)
- Requestlist Instem toaddr outstem flame dragselect multiselect title '"Complain to"'
- IF (RC > 0) THEN DO
- REQUESTNOTIFY TEXT '"No Addresses Selected"' BT '"_Ok"'
- address command 'delete >nil: '||tmp.NAME
- call tidy
- return
- oops:
- PARSE ARG errmsg
- if errmsg = '' then do
- if address() = "BBSREAD" then errmsg=BBSREAD.LASTERROR
- else errmsg=THOR.LASTERROR
- end
- address(thorport)
- REQUESTNOTIFY TEXT '"' errmsg '"' BT '"_Abort"'
- call tidy
- return
- tidy:
- address command 'delete >nil: T:tasc.temp#?'
- exit